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Yeshua | Melchiz Spurgeon | Mahima Evangeline | English Cover - ஆத்தூம நேசரே அழகின் சிகரமே

ஆத்தூம நேசரே அழகின் சிகரமே
ஆயிரங்களிலும் ஆயிரங்களிலும் (2)

Yeshua (2)

My beloved is the most beautiful
Among thousands and thousands (2)

Yeshua (3)

ராஜ்ஜியமும் வல்லமையும் மகிமையும் உமதென்றும் ஆமென்(2)

Yours is the kingdom Yours is the power
Yours is the glory forever Amen (2)

Yeshua (4)

ராஜ்ஜியமும் வல்லமையும் மகிமையும் உமதென்றும் ஆமென்(2)

Yeshua | Melchiz Spurgeon | Mahima Evangeline | English Cover Lyrics in English

aaththooma naesarae alakin sikaramae
aayirangalilum aayirangalilum (2)

Yeshua (2)

My beloved is the most beautiful
Among thousands and thousands (2)

Yeshua (3)

raajjiyamum vallamaiyum makimaiyum umathentum aamen(2)

Yours is the kingdom Yours is the power
Yours is the glory forever Amen (2)

Yeshua (4)

raajjiyamum vallamaiyum makimaiyum umathentum aamen(2)

PowerPoint Presentation Slides for the song Yeshua | Melchiz Spurgeon | Mahima Evangeline | English Cover

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Or you can download Yeshua | Melchiz Spurgeon | Mahima Evangeline | English Cover – ஆத்தூம நேசரே அழகின் சிகரமே PPT
Yeshua | Melchiz Spurgeon | Mahima Evangeline | English Cover PPT

Song Lyrics in Tamil & English

ஆத்தூம நேசரே அழகின் சிகரமே
aaththooma naesarae alakin sikaramae
ஆயிரங்களிலும் ஆயிரங்களிலும் (2)
aayirangalilum aayirangalilum (2)

Yeshua (2)
Yeshua (2)

My beloved is the most beautiful
My beloved is the most beautiful
Among thousands and thousands (2)
Among thousands and thousands (2)

Yeshua (3)
Yeshua (3)

ராஜ்ஜியமும் வல்லமையும் மகிமையும் உமதென்றும் ஆமென்(2)
raajjiyamum vallamaiyum makimaiyum umathentum aamen(2)

Yours is the kingdom Yours is the power
Yours is the kingdom Yours is the power
Yours is the glory forever Amen (2)
Yours is the glory forever Amen (2)

Yeshua (4)
Yeshua (4)

ராஜ்ஜியமும் வல்லமையும் மகிமையும் உமதென்றும் ஆமென்(2)
raajjiyamum vallamaiyum makimaiyum umathentum aamen(2)
