Base Word
Short Definitionan act (good or bad)
Long Definitiondeed, practice
Derivationfrom H5953
International Phonetic Alphabetmɑ.ʕə̆ˈlɔːl
IPA modmɑ.ʕə̆ˈlɑːl
Diction Modma-uh-LAHL
Usagedoing, endeavour, invention, work
Part of speechn-m

Deuteronomy 28:20
The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me.

Judges 2:19
And it came to pass, when the judge was dead, that they returned, and corrupted themselves more than their fathers, in following other gods to serve them, and to bow down unto them; they ceased not from their own doings, nor from their stubborn way.

1 Samuel 25:3
Now the name of the man was Nabal; and the name of his wife Abigail: and she was a woman of good understanding, and of a beautiful countenance: but the man was churlish and evil in his doings; and he was of the house of Caleb.

Nehemiah 9:35
For they have not served thee in their kingdom, and in thy great goodness that thou gavest them, and in the large and fat land which thou gavest before them, neither turned they from their wicked works.

Psalm 28:4
Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavours: give them after the work of their hands; render to them their desert.

Psalm 77:11
I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.

Psalm 78:7
That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments:

Psalm 106:29
Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions: and the plague brake in upon them.

Psalm 106:39
Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions.

Proverbs 20:11
Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.

Occurences : 41

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