Εἰ was ee μὲν If mane οὖν therefore oon τελείωσις tay-LEE-oh-sees διὰ thee-AH τῆς perfection tase Λευιτικῆς by lave-ee-tee-KASE ἱερωσύνης the ee-ay-roh-SYOO-nase ἦν Levitical ane ὁ priesthood, oh λαὸς were la-OSE γὰρ the gahr ἐπ' people ape αὐτῇ (for af-TAY νενομοθέτητο, under nay-noh-moh-THAY-tay-toh τίς it tees ἔτι the A-tee χρεία law,) HREE-ah κατὰ received ka-TA τὴν what tane τάξιν further TA-kseen Μελχισέδεκ need male-hee-SAY-thake ἕτερον after AY-tay-rone ἀνίστασθαι the ah-NEE-sta-sthay ἱερέα order ee-ay-RAY-ah καὶ of kay οὐ Melchisedec, oo κατὰ another ka-TA τὴν should tane τάξιν rise TA-kseen Ἀαρὼν that ah-ah-RONE λέγεσθαι priest LAY-gay-sthay