τὸ For toh γὰρ Agar gahr Ἁγὰρ Sinai a-GAHR Σινᾶ mount see-NA ὄρος is OH-rose ἐστὶν in ay-STEEN ἐν ane τῇ Arabia, tay Ἀραβίᾳ· answereth ah-ra-VEE-ah συστοιχεῖ to syoo-stoo-HEE δὲ and thay τῇ is, tay νῦν which nyoon Ἰερουσαλήμ now ee-ay-roo-sa-LAME δουλεύει Jerusalem thoo-LAVE-ee δὲ is thay μετὰ in may-TA τῶν bondage tone τέκνων and TAY-knone αὐτῆς with af-TASE