οὐ oo τὸ that toh εἰσερχόμενον which ees-are-HOH-may-none εἰς goeth ees τὸ into toh στόμα the STOH-ma κοινοῖ mouth koo-NOO τὸν defileth tone ἄνθρωπον a AN-throh-pone ἀλλὰ man; al-LA τὸ but toh ἐκπορευόμενον ake-poh-rave-OH-may-none ἐκ that ake τοῦ which too στόματος cometh STOH-ma-tose τοῦτο out TOO-toh κοινοῖ of koo-NOO τὸν the tone ἄνθρωπον mouth, AN-throh-pone