Ἰδὼν saw ee-THONE δὲ And thay αὐτὸν when af-TONE ὁ he oh Ἰησοῦς ee-ay-SOOS περίλυπον Jesus pay-REE-lyoo-pone γενόμενον very gay-NOH-may-none εἶπεν sorrowful, EE-pane Πῶς was pose δυσκόλως he thyoo-SKOH-lose οἱ said, oo τὰ How ta χρήματα hardly HRAY-ma-ta ἔχοντες they A-hone-tase εἰσελεύσονται that ees-ay-LAYF-sone-tay εἰς ees τὴν riches tane βασιλείαν have va-see-LEE-an τοῦ shall too θεοῦ enter thay-OO